Our History At New Rheem

New Rheem (Pty) Limited was previously known as Rheem South Africa (Pty) Ltd. The company has 54 years of experience in new steel drum-making. The drum manufacturing plant is in Prospecton, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, and the company has expanded its footprint through associations in Angola, Togo, Tanzania, and Gabon.

We strive to be a packaging partner of choice, trusted by our customers and suppliers for excellent services with priority given to the quality of our product, and our value-based focus, supported by our experienced sales and resolute operational teams. The strategic value we want for our customers will drive their business to increase productivity, profitability, and organic growth.

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New Rheem (Pty) Limited is 100% owned by Clyde Industrial Corporation (Pty) Limited. Clyde Industrial Corporation (Pty) Limited is committed to New Rheem and supports its business strategy in South Africa and Africa.